Information and documentation -- Determination of price indexes for print and electronic media purchased by libraries

This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of price indexes relating to the prices of
print and electronic media acquired by libraries. It is not meant for calculating a price index of the national
media production. The media included are restricted to books, serials and databases.
NOTE Further details are given in 2.2 and 3.1.
It is intended primarily for use by the library community, although it is accepted that other organizations may
also find it useful. It focuses on compiling price indexes on the base of national and international sources,
relevant to one country or region and different types of libraries. Different indexes will be appropriate to
different types of library, according to the types of material in their collections. This International Standard
presents a methodology allowing for a general index which could be calculated from subsets of data, and
could be weighted according to local needs. It introduces sampling methods for the selection of materials on
which to base calculations.
Note that this International Standard describes indexes of prices, not of costs. Local cost indexes can be
compiled instead of price indexes where there is insufficient uniformity of pricing structures to permit the
calculation of price indexes, or as an additional tool for libraries. Guidelines for the calculation of local cost
indexes are given in Annex B.

Information et documentation -- Détermination des indices de prix pour les documents imprimés et électroniques acquis par les bibliothèques

L'ISO 9230:2007 sp�cifie une m�thode de d�termination d'indices de prix relatifs aux documents imprim�s et �lectroniques acquis par les biblioth�ques. Elle n'est pas destin�e au calcul d'un indice de prix de la production nationale des documents. Les documents vis�s sont limit�s aux livres, aux publications en s�rie et aux bases de donn�es.
Elle est destin�e � l'usage de la communaut� des biblioth�ques, bien qu'il soit convenu que d'autres organismes puissent la trouver utile. Elle met l'accent sur la constitution d'indices de prix fond�s sur des sources nationales et internationales, pertinentes pour un pays ou une r�gion et pour diff�rentes cat�gories de biblioth�ques. Des indices diff�rents seront appropri�s � des cat�gories diff�rentes de biblioth�ques, selon les cat�gories de documents pr�sentes dans leurs collections. La pr�sente Norme internationale d�crit une m�thode permettant d'�tablir un indice g�n�ral calcul� � partir de sous-ensembles de donn�es et de le pond�rer en fonction des besoins locaux. Elle introduit des m�thodes d'�chantillonnage pour le choix des documents servant au calcul.
Il est � noter que l'ISO 9230:2007 d�crit des indices de prix et non des co�ts. Des indices de co�t local peuvent �tre constitu�s � la place des indices de prix l� o� la structure des prix n'est pas assez uniforme pour permettre le calcul d'indices de prix ou bien � titre d'outil compl�mentaire pour les biblioth�ques.

Informatika in dokumentacija - Določanje indeksov cen za tiskane in elektronske medije, ki jih nabavijo knjižnice

Ta mednarodni standard navaja metodo za določanje indeksov cen v zvezi s cenami za tiskane in elektronske medije, ki jih nabavijo knjižnice. Standard ni namenjen izračunu indeksa cen nacionalne proizvodnje medijev. Obravnavani mediji so omejeni na knjige, serijske publikacije in zbirke podatkov.
OPOMBA: Dodatne podrobnosti so navedene v točkah 2.2 in 3.1.
Uporabljala naj bi ga zlasti knjižnična skupnost, čeprav je splošno sprejeto, da se zdi koristen tudi drugim organizacijam. Standard se osredotoča na zbiranje indeksov cen v okviru zbirke nacionalnih in mednarodnih virov, ki se nanašajo na eno državo ali regijo ter različne vrste knjižnic. Različni indeksi bodo ustrezni za različne vrste knjižnic glede na vrste gradiva v njihovih zbirkah. Ta mednarodni standard predstavlja metodologijo, ki omogoča splošen indeks, ki bi ga bilo mogoče izračunati na podlagi podnizov podatkov in bi se lahko ovrednotil glede na lokalne potrebe. Standard uvaja metode vzorčenja za izbiro gradiv, na podlagi katerih temeljijo izračuni.
Opozoriti je treba, da ta mednarodni standard opisuje indekse cen, ne stroškov. Zbirajo se lahko lokalni indeksi stroškov
namesto indeksov cen, kadar obstaja zadostna enotnost struktur določanja cen, da se omogoči izračun indeksov cen, ali kot dodatno orodje za knjižnice. Smernice za izračun lokalnih indeksov stroškov so podane v dodatku B.

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Publication Date
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6060 - National Implementation/Publication (Adopted Project)
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Standards Content (Sample)

Second edition

Information and documentation —
Determination of price indexes for print
and electronic media purchased by
Information et documentation — Détermination des indices de prix pour
les documents imprimés et électroniques acquis par les bibliothèques

Reference number
ISO 9230:2007(E)
ISO 2007

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
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ISO 9230:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions. 1
3 Presentation . 5
3.1 General. 5
3.2 Preferred presentation . 6
3.3 Geographical coverage . 6
4 Structure of price. 6
4.1 General. 6
4.2 Price differences. 6
4.3 Prices for books. 7
4.4 Prices for serials. 7
4.5 Prices for databases. 8
5 Price indexes for books . 9
5.1 General. 9
5.2 Books not included in the index . 9
5.3 Categories for the index. 10
5.4 Sources for collection of prices . 10
5.5 Methods of compilation. 10
5.6 Reporting of indexes . 11
6 Price indexes for serials . 11
6.1 General. 11
6.2 Serials included in the index . 11
6.3 Serials not included in the index. 12
6.4 Sources for the collection of prices. 12
6.5 Methods of compilation. 12
6.6 Reporting of indexes . 13
7 Price indexes for databases . 13
7.1 General. 13
7.2 Databases included in the index . 13
7.3 Databases not included in the index . 14
7.4 Sources for the collection of prices. 14
7.5 Methods of compilation. 14
7.6 Reporting of indexes . 15
Annex A (informative) Subject classification . 16
Annex B (informative) Guidelines for local cost indexes. 19
Annex C (normative) List of equivalent terms. 21
Bibliography . 22

© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 9230 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Quality — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 9230:1991), which has been technically revised.

iv © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
The intention of this International Standard is to provide the international library community with a
methodology for establishing national price indexes for the documents they acquire. This second edition has
been expanded to cover electronic as well as printed books and serials, and electronic databases.
A problem well known to libraries is the difficulty of controlling the amount of funding made available annually
for acquisitions.
If libraries generally acquired documents, in one physical medium, solely from national sources, and had
stable budgets, the problems of budget control for library documents would be simple. This is, however, not
the situation. Libraries now have to cope with information of a greater variety than before, and from
international sources. These developments in the information world are accompanied by general economic
developments that seem to create reductions and instability in library budgets.
Under such circumstances the demand for effective library management grows, and with it the demand for
tools for library management. Use of price indexes is, of course, only one element in library management
practice, but one which is nevertheless necessary for relevant budget control. National price indexes are not
only needed for funding but also for negotiation with vendors and publishers.
Price indexes do not relate only to national production, but to materials of both national and international origin
used by libraries. It is not intended that price indexes constructed according to this methodology should in any
way replace general consumer price indexes or specific indexes set up by the trade. However, indexes can
normally be regarded as accurate only within a specific environment. The experience that led to the
preparation of this International Standard was the difficulty in applying indexes of non-library origin to library
It is easy to understand the difficulties of reporting prices when one takes into consideration the international
background of most library and information work, which can involve many countries and currencies.
This International Standard is intended to be, therefore, an accepted tool for library management.
It has been necessary to apply certain limitations to this International Standard.
Though libraries in most countries still spend the majority of their financial resources on print media (books
and journals), there is a growing collection of electronic documents that can be more important for use. The
priority between these groups can differ from library to library, but they are dealt with together in this
International Standard. Increasingly, libraries are acquiring large electronic collections, and one of the key
reasons for revision of this International Standard was to incorporate methodologies appropriate to a range of
digital documents. This International Standard therefore covers books and serials in both print and electronic
forms, and databases. It was decided to continue to exclude from this International Standard criteria which
could be used for price indexes for other types of physical media. This International Standard does not ignore
the need to deal with these other physical media. They have, however, been excluded in order to bring this
work to a conclusion.
In the future, when more experience is gained, any revision of, or addition to, this International Standard could
include other physical media.

© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved v

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Information and documentation — Determination of price
indexes for print and electronic media purchased by libraries
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of price indexes relating to the prices of
print and electronic media acquired by libraries. It is not meant for calculating a price index of the national
media production. The media included are restricted to books, serials and databases.
NOTE Further details are given in 2.2 and 3.1.
It is intended primarily for use by the library community, although it is accepted that other organizations may
also find it useful. It focuses on compiling price indexes on the base of national and international sources,
relevant to one country or region and different types of libraries. Different indexes will be appropriate to
different types of library, according to the types of material in their collections. This International Standard
presents a methodology allowing for a general index which could be calculated from subsets of data, and
could be weighted according to local needs. It introduces sampling methods for the selection of materials on
which to base calculations.
Note that this International Standard describes indexes of prices, not of costs. Local cost indexes can be
compiled instead of price indexes where there is insufficient uniformity of pricing structures to permit the
calculation of price indexes, or as an additional tool for libraries. Guidelines for the calculation of local cost
indexes are given in Annex B.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
NOTE The equivalent English or French terms, as appropriate, have been given in Annex C.
access rights
rights for reaching or using the library collection
NOTE For the electronic collection, this implies that the library has secured permanent or temporary access for its
users by law, license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.2]
audiovisual document
document in which sound and/or pictures are predominant and which requires the use of special equipment to
be seen and/or heard
NOTE This includes audio documents such as records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, files of digital audio
recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies, and combined audiovisual documents such as motion
pictures, video recordings, etc. Microforms are excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.4]
© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
average price
total of the prices of all documents of a given category for a stated period, divided by the number of items
non-serial printed document in codex form
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.5]
book price
specified or recommended price of a book to the public by the publisher without discounts
collection of databases, electronic serials or digital documents from a single publisher, on a single subject, or
for a special interest group, sold for a combined price
compact disc read-only memory
computer-based information storage and retrieval medium based on laser technology that contains data in text
and/or multimedia formats
NOTE CD-ROMs are counted according to their contents as database, digital document, electronic serial, audiovisual
document, or electronic patent.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.7]
collection of electronically stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, texts) with a common user
interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The data or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the Internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.10.
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 2.8.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.12]
2 © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
recorded information which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process, regardless of its physical
form and characteristics
NOTE 1 Documents can differ in their physical form and characteristics.
NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.13.
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user's PC for a limited time period.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.15]
electronic collection
all resources in electronic form in the library collection
NOTE The electronic collection includes databases, electronic serials, digital documents and computer files. Free
Internet resources, even those which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database, are
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.16]
electronic serial
serial published in electronic form only or in both electronic and another format
NOTE Comprises serials held locally and remote resources for which access rights have been acquired, at least for a
certain period of time.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.17]
library collection
all documents provided by a library for its users
NOTE 1 Comprises documents held locally and remote resources for which permanent or temporary access rights
have been acquired.
NOTE 2 Access rights can be acquired by the library itself, by a consortium and/or through external funding.
NOTE 3 Acquisition is to be understood as deliberately selecting a document, securing access rights and including it in
the online catalogue or other databases of the library. Interlibrary lending and document delivery are excluded.
NOTE 4 Does not include links to Internet resources for which the library has not secured access rights by legal
agreements (e. g. legal deposit right), license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement. Free Internet resources,
even those which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database, are excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.22]
© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved 3

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
publication in print or non-print form, either complete in one volume or complete, or intended to be completed,
in a finite number of volumes
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.25]
monographic series
number of monographs related to other monographs through the addition of a collective title
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.26]
serial which contains news on current events of special or general interest, the individual parts of which are
listed chronologically or numerically and appear usually at least once a week
NOTE Electronic newspapers are included.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.28]
book issued by a publisher in a paper cover trimmed flush with the leaves
[BSI DD 247:1998]
serial under the same title published at regular or irregular intervals, over an indefinite period
NOTE 1 Individual issues in the series being numbered consecutively or each issue being dated.
NOTE 2 Series of reports, transactions of institutions, series of regular conference proceedings and annuals are
included, while newspapers and monographic series are excluded.
NOTE 3 Electronic periodicals are included.
NOTE 4 Adapted from ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.33.
physical unit
physically coherent document unit inclusive of any protective devices, freely movable against other document
NOTE 1 Coherence can be achieved, for example, by binding or encasement.
NOTE 2 For printed documents, the term "volume" is used for the physical unit.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.34]
cf. volume (2.25).
price index
index showing the relative change in the average price over an interval of time
NOTE 1 Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.20:1999.
4 © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
NOTE 2 A price index has a base period of one or more years, and the average price in the base period is assigned
the index value of 100; the average prices in succeeding years are divided by the base period average price and multiplied
by 100 to give the price index for each year.
publication in print or in non-print form, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological
designations, and intended to be continued indefinitely, whatever its periodicity
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 2.4.06]
NOTE 1 For the purpose of this International Standard, serials are subdivided into newspapers and periodicals, each of
these by format into electronic and non-electronic serials.
NOTE 2 Monographic series are excluded and are counted as books.
serial price
publisher’s domestic institutional price for an annual subscription to a serial
NOTE When different delivery schemes exist, the price for the subscription with domestic surface delivery is chosen.
Prices, including discounts, multi-year subscription rates, etc., are not chosen.
words at the head of a document thus identifying it and normally distinguishing it from others
[ISO 5127:2001, definition]
NOTE For measuring purposes, "title" describes a document which forms a separate item with a distinctive title,
whether issued in one or several physical units, and disregarding the number of copies of the document held by the library.
See ISO 11620:1998, 3.23.
physical unit for a printed document assembling a certain number of leaves under one cover to form a whole
or part of a set
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.39]
3 Presentation
3.1 General
To prevent confusion the following overall presentation should be used. In this presentation, monographic
series are included in the definition of monographs (2.15), and series of regular conference proceedings,
yearbooks and annuals are included in the definition of periodicals (2.19). This is in line with the definitions
given in ISO 2789.
If other presentations are given the actual choice should be stated.

© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved 5

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
3.2 Preferred presentation
The preferred presentation is as follows:
a) monograph/book index (including monographic series):
1) in print form;
2) in electronic form (eBooks);
b) serials index:
1) newspapers:
i) in print form;
ii) in electronic form;
2) periodicals (including series for regular conference proceedings and annuals):
i) in print form;
ii) in electronic form;
c) databases index.
3.3 Geographical coverage
Price indexes relate to documents (books, serials or databases) published in a single country of origin, and
should be initially calculated in the currency units of that country. Libraries acquiring material from more than
one country may aggregate the separate indexes for those countries into a single index for local use using
appropriate weighting factors and currency exchange rates.
Titles published in more than one country shall be included in the indexes for each country in which they are
published. Titles sold worldwide from a single published source shall be included in the index only for the
country of publication.
4 Structure of price
4.1 General
The price index deals with prices requested by publishers, not the payment made by customers. Payment
made by the customer can be identical with the price requested by the publisher, but can differ because of
special agreements (e.g. deduction within large scale purchases), special offers (e.g. for members of a society,
for students), or different prices for different methods of ordering and payment.
NOTE The costs of acquiring materials, e.g. postage, payment fees, are excluded.
4.2 Price differences
The same title can be offered in different countries with different prices (e.g. US books, journals, or databases
may be offered at a higher price in Europe than in USA). For a national price index, the local price should be
Prices (level and development) can vary according to subject or category. Publishers often classify their
publications into these groups.
6 © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
Prices for online access to digital material for libraries, educational institutions, etc. may differ according to the
size and type of the institution (e.g. number of students and / or researchers).
4.3 Prices for books
4.3.1 Print or microform books
The same title of a printed book can have different prices according to format:
⎯ hardcover edition;
⎯ paperback (soft cover) edition;
⎯ microform;
⎯ book club edition.
Books can be printed for stock or can be printed on demand.
Books can be offered as part of a subscription or within a membership of a book club.
4.3.2 eBooks
An eBook title may be offered in various formats for different readers. Prices may or may not vary according to
eBooks can be sold as single titles or as bundles (collections for education or professional interest, e.g. law
collection). The prices of bundles are dealt with under prices of databases.
eBooks can be offered as part of a subscription or within a membership of a book club.
For libraries, eBooks can be licensed with an agreement on special arrangement (e.g. pay-per-view for a
certain time period, permission to offer a certain number of time limited accesses, permission to offer a certain
number of concurrent users). Formats can be either online access or download to readers.
4.4 Prices for serials
4.4.1 General
Serials are published in paper, microform, and/or digital format.
Prices may vary according to use, i.e. either personal bona fide use or library use. For personal use there may
be a price differentiation for different groups (e.g. students).
Subscription prices (postage and handling excluded) are often lower than buying the single issues one by one.
The most common price offers are:
⎯ print edition only;
⎯ print edition with online access rights;
⎯ online only.
© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved 7

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ISO 9230:2007(E)
4.4.2 Licensing prices
eJournals are often licensed, not bought, and online access to a licensed issue expires if the license is not
renewed. Permanent access to eJournals depends on the license as follows.
⎯ Customers may receive rough data and store the eJournal on their own server but without the search
interface of the publisher.
⎯ Customers may use the licensed material on the publisher’s server paying a small additional fee.
⎯ For personal use the customer may also print the licensed journal and thus keep the content, but in
another format and without the services of the online edition.
Access to eJournals is licensed for a well-defined group of authorised users (e.g. defined by IP-addresses),
and license prices may differ depending on the size and status of the group.
4.4.3 Bundling of titles — Consortia prices
eJournals can be offered in bundles (all serials of one publisher, subjects). Prices of such bundles can differ
for single libraries or for national, regional or other consortia. The price of a bundle will in most cases be lower
than the sum of the list prices of the licensed journals. Consortia can also bargain for cross access (access to
journals subscribed to by members of the c

SIST ISO 9230:2014
Information and documentation -- Determination of price indexes for print and electronic
media purchased by libraries
Information et documentation -- Détermination des indices de prix pour les documents
imprimés et électroniques acquis par les bibliothèques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 9230:2007
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
SIST ISO 9230:2014 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 9230:2014

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SIST ISO 9230:2014

Second edition

Information and documentation —
Determination of price indexes for print
and electronic media purchased by
Information et documentation — Détermination des indices de prix pour
les documents imprimés et électroniques acquis par les bibliothèques

Reference number
ISO 9230:2007(E)
ISO 2007

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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
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Published in Switzerland

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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions. 1
3 Presentation . 5
3.1 General. 5
3.2 Preferred presentation . 6
3.3 Geographical coverage . 6
4 Structure of price. 6
4.1 General. 6
4.2 Price differences. 6
4.3 Prices for books. 7
4.4 Prices for serials. 7
4.5 Prices for databases. 8
5 Price indexes for books . 9
5.1 General. 9
5.2 Books not included in the index . 9
5.3 Categories for the index. 10
5.4 Sources for collection of prices . 10
5.5 Methods of compilation. 10
5.6 Reporting of indexes . 11
6 Price indexes for serials . 11
6.1 General. 11
6.2 Serials included in the index . 11
6.3 Serials not included in the index. 12
6.4 Sources for the collection of prices. 12
6.5 Methods of compilation. 12
6.6 Reporting of indexes . 13
7 Price indexes for databases . 13
7.1 General. 13
7.2 Databases included in the index . 13
7.3 Databases not included in the index . 14
7.4 Sources for the collection of prices. 14
7.5 Methods of compilation. 14
7.6 Reporting of indexes . 15
Annex A (informative) Subject classification . 16
Annex B (informative) Guidelines for local cost indexes. 19
Annex C (normative) List of equivalent terms. 21
Bibliography . 22

© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 9230 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Quality — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 9230:1991), which has been technically revised.

iv © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
The intention of this International Standard is to provide the international library community with a
methodology for establishing national price indexes for the documents they acquire. This second edition has
been expanded to cover electronic as well as printed books and serials, and electronic databases.
A problem well known to libraries is the difficulty of controlling the amount of funding made available annually
for acquisitions.
If libraries generally acquired documents, in one physical medium, solely from national sources, and had
stable budgets, the problems of budget control for library documents would be simple. This is, however, not
the situation. Libraries now have to cope with information of a greater variety than before, and from
international sources. These developments in the information world are accompanied by general economic
developments that seem to create reductions and instability in library budgets.
Under such circumstances the demand for effective library management grows, and with it the demand for
tools for library management. Use of price indexes is, of course, only one element in library management
practice, but one which is nevertheless necessary for relevant budget control. National price indexes are not
only needed for funding but also for negotiation with vendors and publishers.
Price indexes do not relate only to national production, but to materials of both national and international origin
used by libraries. It is not intended that price indexes constructed according to this methodology should in any
way replace general consumer price indexes or specific indexes set up by the trade. However, indexes can
normally be regarded as accurate only within a specific environment. The experience that led to the
preparation of this International Standard was the difficulty in applying indexes of non-library origin to library
It is easy to understand the difficulties of reporting prices when one takes into consideration the international
background of most library and information work, which can involve many countries and currencies.
This International Standard is intended to be, therefore, an accepted tool for library management.
It has been necessary to apply certain limitations to this International Standard.
Though libraries in most countries still spend the majority of their financial resources on print media (books
and journals), there is a growing collection of electronic documents that can be more important for use. The
priority between these groups can differ from library to library, but they are dealt with together in this
International Standard. Increasingly, libraries are acquiring large electronic collections, and one of the key
reasons for revision of this International Standard was to incorporate methodologies appropriate to a range of
digital documents. This International Standard therefore covers books and serials in both print and electronic
forms, and databases. It was decided to continue to exclude from this International Standard criteria which
could be used for price indexes for other types of physical media. This International Standard does not ignore
the need to deal with these other physical media. They have, however, been excluded in order to bring this
work to a conclusion.
In the future, when more experience is gained, any revision of, or addition to, this International Standard could
include other physical media.

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SIST ISO 9230:2014

Information and documentation — Determination of price
indexes for print and electronic media purchased by libraries
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of price indexes relating to the prices of
print and electronic media acquired by libraries. It is not meant for calculating a price index of the national
media production. The media included are restricted to books, serials and databases.
NOTE Further details are given in 2.2 and 3.1.
It is intended primarily for use by the library community, although it is accepted that other organizations may
also find it useful. It focuses on compiling price indexes on the base of national and international sources,
relevant to one country or region and different types of libraries. Different indexes will be appropriate to
different types of library, according to the types of material in their collections. This International Standard
presents a methodology allowing for a general index which could be calculated from subsets of data, and
could be weighted according to local needs. It introduces sampling methods for the selection of materials on
which to base calculations.
Note that this International Standard describes indexes of prices, not of costs. Local cost indexes can be
compiled instead of price indexes where there is insufficient uniformity of pricing structures to permit the
calculation of price indexes, or as an additional tool for libraries. Guidelines for the calculation of local cost
indexes are given in Annex B.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
NOTE The equivalent English or French terms, as appropriate, have been given in Annex C.
access rights
rights for reaching or using the library collection
NOTE For the electronic collection, this implies that the library has secured permanent or temporary access for its
users by law, license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.2]
audiovisual document
document in which sound and/or pictures are predominant and which requires the use of special equipment to
be seen and/or heard
NOTE This includes audio documents such as records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, files of digital audio
recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies, and combined audiovisual documents such as motion
pictures, video recordings, etc. Microforms are excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.4]
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ISO 9230:2007(E)
average price
total of the prices of all documents of a given category for a stated period, divided by the number of items
non-serial printed document in codex form
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.5]
book price
specified or recommended price of a book to the public by the publisher without discounts
collection of databases, electronic serials or digital documents from a single publisher, on a single subject, or
for a special interest group, sold for a combined price
compact disc read-only memory
computer-based information storage and retrieval medium based on laser technology that contains data in text
and/or multimedia formats
NOTE CD-ROMs are counted according to their contents as database, digital document, electronic serial, audiovisual
document, or electronic patent.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.7]
collection of electronically stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, texts) with a common user
interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The data or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the Internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.10.
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 2.8.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.12]
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ISO 9230:2007(E)
recorded information which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process, regardless of its physical
form and characteristics
NOTE 1 Documents can differ in their physical form and characteristics.
NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.13.
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user's PC for a limited time period.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.15]
electronic collection
all resources in electronic form in the library collection
NOTE The electronic collection includes databases, electronic serials, digital documents and computer files. Free
Internet resources, even those which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database, are
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.16]
electronic serial
serial published in electronic form only or in both electronic and another format
NOTE Comprises serials held locally and remote resources for which access rights have been acquired, at least for a
certain period of time.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.17]
library collection
all documents provided by a library for its users
NOTE 1 Comprises documents held locally and remote resources for which permanent or temporary access rights
have been acquired.
NOTE 2 Access rights can be acquired by the library itself, by a consortium and/or through external funding.
NOTE 3 Acquisition is to be understood as deliberately selecting a document, securing access rights and including it in
the online catalogue or other databases of the library. Interlibrary lending and document delivery are excluded.
NOTE 4 Does not include links to Internet resources for which the library has not secured access rights by legal
agreements (e. g. legal deposit right), license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement. Free Internet resources,
even those which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database, are excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.22]
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ISO 9230:2007(E)
publication in print or non-print form, either complete in one volume or complete, or intended to be completed,
in a finite number of volumes
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.25]
monographic series
number of monographs related to other monographs through the addition of a collective title
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.26]
serial which contains news on current events of special or general interest, the individual parts of which are
listed chronologically or numerically and appear usually at least once a week
NOTE Electronic newspapers are included.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.28]
book issued by a publisher in a paper cover trimmed flush with the leaves
[BSI DD 247:1998]
serial under the same title published at regular or irregular intervals, over an indefinite period
NOTE 1 Individual issues in the series being numbered consecutively or each issue being dated.
NOTE 2 Series of reports, transactions of institutions, series of regular conference proceedings and annuals are
included, while newspapers and monographic series are excluded.
NOTE 3 Electronic periodicals are included.
NOTE 4 Adapted from ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.33.
physical unit
physically coherent document unit inclusive of any protective devices, freely movable against other document
NOTE 1 Coherence can be achieved, for example, by binding or encasement.
NOTE 2 For printed documents, the term "volume" is used for the physical unit.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.34]
cf. volume (2.25).
price index
index showing the relative change in the average price over an interval of time
NOTE 1 Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.20:1999.
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ISO 9230:2007(E)
NOTE 2 A price index has a base period of one or more years, and the average price in the base period is assigned
the index value of 100; the average prices in succeeding years are divided by the base period average price and multiplied
by 100 to give the price index for each year.
publication in print or in non-print form, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological
designations, and intended to be continued indefinitely, whatever its periodicity
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 2.4.06]
NOTE 1 For the purpose of this International Standard, serials are subdivided into newspapers and periodicals, each of
these by format into electronic and non-electronic serials.
NOTE 2 Monographic series are excluded and are counted as books.
serial price
publisher’s domestic institutional price for an annual subscription to a serial
NOTE When different delivery schemes exist, the price for the subscription with domestic surface delivery is chosen.
Prices, including discounts, multi-year subscription rates, etc., are not chosen.
words at the head of a document thus identifying it and normally distinguishing it from others
[ISO 5127:2001, definition]
NOTE For measuring purposes, "title" describes a document which forms a separate item with a distinctive title,
whether issued in one or several physical units, and disregarding the number of copies of the document held by the library.
See ISO 11620:1998, 3.23.
physical unit for a printed document assembling a certain number of leaves under one cover to form a whole
or part of a set
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.39]
3 Presentation
3.1 General
To prevent confusion the following overall presentation should be used. In this presentation, monographic
series are included in the definition of monographs (2.15), and series of regular conference proceedings,
yearbooks and annuals are included in the definition of periodicals (2.19). This is in line with the definitions
given in ISO 2789.
If other presentations are given the actual choice should be stated.

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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
3.2 Preferred presentation
The preferred presentation is as follows:
a) monograph/book index (including monographic series):
1) in print form;
2) in electronic form (eBooks);
b) serials index:
1) newspapers:
i) in print form;
ii) in electronic form;
2) periodicals (including series for regular conference proceedings and annuals):
i) in print form;
ii) in electronic form;
c) databases index.
3.3 Geographical coverage
Price indexes relate to documents (books, serials or databases) published in a single country of origin, and
should be initially calculated in the currency units of that country. Libraries acquiring material from more than
one country may aggregate the separate indexes for those countries into a single index for local use using
appropriate weighting factors and currency exchange rates.
Titles published in more than one country shall be included in the indexes for each country in which they are
published. Titles sold worldwide from a single published source shall be included in the index only for the
country of publication.
4 Structure of price
4.1 General
The price index deals with prices requested by publishers, not the payment made by customers. Payment
made by the customer can be identical with the price requested by the publisher, but can differ because of
special agreements (e.g. deduction within large scale purchases), special offers (e.g. for members of a society,
for students), or different prices for different methods of ordering and payment.
NOTE The costs of acquiring materials, e.g. postage, payment fees, are excluded.
4.2 Price differences
The same title can be offered in different countries with different prices (e.g. US books, journals, or databases
may be offered at a higher price in Europe than in USA). For a national price index, the local price should be
Prices (level and development) can vary according to subject or category. Publishers often classify their
publications into these groups.
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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
Prices for online access to digital material for libraries, educational institutions, etc. may differ according to the
size and type of the institution (e.g. number of students and / or researchers).
4.3 Prices for books
4.3.1 Print or microform books
The same title of a printed book can have different prices according to format:
⎯ hardcover edition;
⎯ paperback (soft cover) edition;
⎯ microform;
⎯ book club edition.
Books can be printed for stock or can be printed on demand.
Books can be offered as part of a subscription or within a membership of a book club.
4.3.2 eBooks
An eBook title may be offered in various formats for different readers. Prices may or may not vary according to
eBooks can be sold as single titles or as bundles (collections for education or professional interest, e.g. law
collection). The prices of bundles are dealt with under prices of databases.
eBooks can be offered as part of a subscription or within a membership of a book club.
For libraries, eBooks can be licensed with an agreement on special arrangement (e.g. pay-per-view for a
certain time period, permission to offer a certain number of time limited accesses, permission to offer a certain
number of concurrent users). Formats can be either online access or download to readers.
4.4 Prices for serials
4.4.1 General
Serials are published in paper, microform, and/or digital format.
Prices may vary according to use, i.e. either personal bona fide use or library use. For personal use there may
be a price differentiation for different groups (e.g. students).
Subscription prices (postage and handling excluded) are often lower than buying the single issues one by one.
The most common price offers are:
⎯ print edition only;
⎯ print edition with online access rights;
⎯ online only.
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SIST ISO 9230:2014
ISO 9230:2007(E)
4.4.2 Licensing prices
eJournals are often licensed, not bough

Deuxième édition
Version corrigée

Information et documentation —
Détermination des indices de prix pour
les documents imprimés et électroniques
acquis par les bibliothèques
Information and documentation — Determination of price indexes for
print and electronic media purchased by libraries

Numéro de référence
ISO 9230:2007(F)
ISO 2007

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ISO 9230:2007(F)
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©  ISO 2007
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Publié en Suisse
ii © ISO 2007 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 9230:2007(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Termes et définitions. 1
3 Présentation . 5
3.1 Généralités . 5
3.2 Présentation recommandée. 6
3.3 Couverture géographique. 6
4 Structure des prix . 6
4.1 Généralités . 6
4.2 Différences de prix. 6
4.3 Prix des livres. 7
4.4 Publications en série. 7
4.5 Bases de données . 9
5 Indices de prix des livres . 9
5.1 Généralités . 9
5.2 Livres non compris dans l'indice. 9
5.3 Catégories d'indice. 10
5.4 Sources pour la collecte des prix . 10
5.5 Méthodes de collecte. 10
5.6 Présentation des indices . 11
6 Indices de prix des publications en série . 11
6.1 Généralités . 11
6.2 Publications en série comprises dans l'indice . 12
6.3 Publications en série non comprises dans l'indice . 12
6.4 Sources pour la collecte des prix . 12
6.5 Méthodes de collecte. 12
6.6 Présentation des indices . 13
7 Indices de prix des bases de données . 13
7.1 Généralités . 13
7.2 Bases de données comprises dans l'indice . 14
7.3 Bases de données exclues de l'indice . 14
7.4 Sources de collecte des prix . 14
7.5 Méthodes de collecte. 14
7.6 Présentation des indices . 15
Annexe A (informative) Classification par discipline . 16
Annexe B (informative) Lignes directrices de calcul des indices de coût local. 19
Annexe C (normative) Liste de termes équivalents. 21
Bibliographie . 22

© ISO 2007 – Tous droits réservés iii

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ISO 9230:2007(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 9230 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation, sous-comité
SC 8, Qualité — Statistiques et évaluation de la performance.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 9230:1991), qui a fait l'objet d'une
révision technique.
La présente version corrigée de l'ISO 9230:2007 inclut les corrections suivantes:
⎯ p. 1, définition 2.2, supprimer le terme «DVD» de la note;
⎯ p. 1 à 4, dans les notes relatives aux définitions «Cela comprend.» a été remplacé partout par
⎯ p. 2, définition 2.9, supprimer la Note 4 pour lire [ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.12];
⎯ p. 3, définition 2.11, supprimer la Note 3 pour lire [ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.15];
⎯ p. 8, 4.4.3, le titre a été modifié pour lire «Titres en bouquets — Prix consentis aux consortiums»;
e e
⎯ p. 9, 4.5.2, 2 tiret, le terme «complémentaire» a été supprimé et 3 tiret «les services» a été remplacé
par «des services»;
⎯ p. 21. Annexe C, remplacer à la 8 ligne le terme «audio-visual document» par «audiovisual document».
iv © ISO 2007 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 9230:2007(F)
La présente Norme internationale a pour but d'offrir à la communauté internationale des bibliothèques une
méthode pour établir les indices nationaux de prix des documents qu'elles acquièrent. Cette seconde édition a
été étendue afin de couvrir les livres et les publications en série électroniques aussi bien qu'imprimés, ainsi
que les bases de données électroniques.
La difficulté de contrôler le montant des crédits consacrés annuellement aux acquisitions est un problème
bien connu des bibliothèques.
Si les bibliothèques n'acquéraient en général que de documents sur un seul support matériel, uniquement
d'origine nationale, et si elles avaient des budgets stables, les problèmes de contrôle budgétaire des
documents des bibliothèques seraient très simples. Telle n'est pas cependant la situation. Les bibliothèques
doivent maintenant faire face à des informations d'une plus grande diversité qu'auparavant et provenant de
sources internationales. Cette inflation dans le monde de l'information est accompagnée d'évolutions
économiques générales qui semblent entraîner une réduction et une instabilité des budgets des bibliothèques.
Dans ces circonstances le besoin d'une gestion efficace des bibliothèques s'accroît et avec elle, la nécessité
de disposer d'outils à cet effet. Le recours à des indices de prix n'est, bien sûr, qu'un élément des pratiques
de gestion des bibliothèques, mais un élément néanmoins nécessaire à un contrôle budgétaire pertinent. Les
Indices Nationaux des Prix ne servent pas uniquement à l'établissement des budgets mais également aux
négociations entre fournisseurs et éditeurs.
Les indices de prix ne se rapportent pas seulement à la production nationale, mais aux documents d'origines
nationale et internationale, utilisés par les bibliothèques. L'intention n'est pas que les indices de prix construits
selon cette méthode remplacent de quelque façon que ce soit, les indices généraux des prix à la
consommation ou les indices spécifiques définis par le commerce. Cependant, les indices ne peuvent être
normalement considérés pertinents que dans un environnement spécifique. L'expérience qui a conduit à
l'élaboration de la présente Norme internationale résulte de la difficulté d'appliquer à la gestion de
bibliothèques des indices d'origine externe.
Il est aisé de concevoir les difficultés de collecte des prix quand on considère l'arrière-plan international de la
majeure partie des tâches de bibliothèque et d'information qui peut concerner de nombreux pays et monnaies.
La présente Norme internationale est censée être un outil reconnu pour la gestion des bibliothèques.
Il a été nécessaire d'appliquer certaines limites au champ de la présente Norme internationale.
Bien que les bibliothèques dans la plupart des pays consacrent la majeure partie de leurs ressources
financières aux imprimés (livres et journaux), les collections de documents électroniques dont l'utilisation peut
s'avérer plus grande, s'accroissent. La priorité entre ces deux types peut différer d'une bibliothèque à l'autre,
mais ils sont traités ensemble dans la présente Norme internationale. De plus en plus, les bibliothèques
acquièrent d'importantes collections électroniques, et l'un des raisons clés de la révision de la présente
Norme internationale a été d'y ajouter des méthodes appropriées à un éventail de documents numériques. La
présente Norme internationale couvre donc les livres et les publications en série sous les formes imprimée et
électronique ainsi que les bases de données. Il a été décidé de continuer à exclure de la présente Norme
internationale des critères pouvant servir à établir des indices de prix pour d'autres types de supports
matériels. La nécessité de traiter de ces autres supports matériels n'est pas sous-estimée dans la présente
Norme internationale. Ils en ont cependant été exclus afin de mener la tâche commencée à son terme.
À l'avenir, à la lumière de l'expérience acquise, toute révision ou enrichissement de la présente Norme
internationale pourrait comprendre ces autres supports matériels.
© ISO 2007 – Tous droits réservés v

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Information et documentation — Détermination des indices de
prix pour les documents imprimés et électroniques acquis par
les bibliothèques
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode de détermination d'indices de prix relatifs aux
documents imprimés et électroniques acquis par les bibliothèques. Elle n'est pas destinée au calcul d'un
indice de prix de la production nationale des documents. Les documents visés sont limités aux livres, aux
publications en série et aux bases de données.
NOTE De plus amples détails sont donnés en 2.2 et en 3.1.
Elle est destinée à l'usage de la communauté des bibliothèques, bien qu'il soit convenu que d'autres
organismes puissent la trouver utile. Elle met l'accent sur la constitution d'indices de prix fondés sur des
sources, nationales et internationales, pertinentes pour un pays ou une région et pour différentes catégories
de bibliothèques. Des indices différents seront appropriés à des catégories différentes de bibliothèques, selon
les catégories de documents présentes dans leurs collections. La présente Norme internationale décrit une
méthode permettant d'établir un indice général calculé à partir de sous-ensembles de données et de le
pondérer en fonction des besoins locaux. Elle introduit des méthodes d'échantillonnage pour le choix des
documents servant au calcul.
Il est à noter que la présente Norme internationale décrit des indices de prix et non des coûts. Des indices de
coût local peuvent être constitués à la place des indices de prix là où la structure des prix n'est pas assez
uniforme pour permettre le calcul d'indices de prix ou bien à titre d'outil complémentaire pour les bibliothèques.
Des lignes directrices pour le calcul d'indices de coût local, sont données dans l'Annexe B.
2 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.
NOTE Quand il y a lieu, l'équivalent aux termes en anglais et en français est donné dans l'Annexe C.
droit d'accès
droit d'accès ou l'utilisation des collections d'une bibliothèque
NOTE En ce qui concerne la collection électronique, cela implique que la bibliothèque ait assuré à ses usagers, par
autorisation légale, par licence, par contrat ou par accord de coopération, le droit permanent ou temporaire d'utiliser ces
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.2]
document audiovisuel
document qui contient en majorité des sons et/ou des images et qui requiert l'utilisation d'un équipement
spécial pour être écouté et/ou visionné
NOTE Comprend des documents sonores tels que microsillons, cassettes, disques compacts audio, fichiers
d'enregistrements sonores en mode numérique; des documents visuels tels que diapositives ou transparents et des
documents combinant le son et l'image tels que les films, les enregistrements vidéo etc. Les microformes sont exclues.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.4]
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prix moyen
total des prix de tous les documents d'une catégorie donnée pour une période définie, divisé par le nombre
document imprimé non publié en série formé par l'assemblage de feuillets
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.5]
prix du livre
prix d'un livre spécifié ou recommandé par l'éditeur pour la vente au public sans remise
ensemble de bases de données, publications en série électroniques ou documents numériques d'un seul
éditeur sur un seul sujet ou pour un groupe d'utilisateurs particulier, vendu pour un prix étudié
disque compact non inscriptible
support informatique qui stocke et restitue des informations à partir de la technologie laser et qui contient des
données textes et/ou multimédia
NOTE Les cédéroms sont comptabilisés selon leur contenu comme base de données, document numérique,
périodique électronique, document audiovisuel, brevet électronique.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.7]
base de données
ensemble d'enregistrements descriptifs ou d'unités de contenu documentaire (données factuelles, textes,
images et sons), doté d'une interface commune et d'un logiciel pour récupérer ou exploiter les données
NOTE 1 Les unités ou les enregistrements sont généralement classés dans un objectif précis et concernent un sujet
défini. Une base de données peut être publiée sur cédérom, disquette ou sur d'autres supports ou en tant que fichier
informatique accessible par téléphone ou par l'internet.
NOTE 2 Les bases de données soumises à licence sont comptabilisées à l'unité, même si l'accès à plusieurs bases de
données soumises à licences est proposé par la même interface.
NOTE 3 Adapté de l'ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.10.
document numérique
unité documentaire numérisée par la bibliothèque ou acquise sous forme numérique comme élément de la
collection de cette bibliothèque
NOTE 1 Comprend les livres électroniques, les brevets électroniques, les documents audiovisuels en réseau et les
autres documents numériques, par exemple les rapports, les documents cartographiques et musicaux, les prépublications,
etc. Les bases de données et les périodiques électroniques sont exclus.
NOTE 2 Les éléments faisant partie des bases de données sont décrits en 2.8.
NOTE 3 Un document numérique peut être structuré en un ou plusieurs fichiers.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.12]
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information enregistrée qui peut être traitée comme une unité dans une chaîne documentaire
indépendamment de sa forme matérielle et de ses caractéristiques
NOTE 1 Les documents peuvent varier dans leur forme matérielle et leurs caractéristiques.
NOTE 2 Adapté de l'ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.13.
livre électronique
document électronique, sous licence ou non, dans lequel le texte interrogeable occupe une place
prépondérante et qui peut être considéré comme équivalent à un livre imprimé (monographie)
NOTE 1 L'utilisation de livres électroniques est souvent liée à un matériel dédié et/ou à un logiciel de lecture ou de
visionnage spécifique
NOTE 2 Les livres électroniques peuvent être prêtés aux usagers soit avec un matériel portable (lecteur de livre
électronique) soit en chargeant le contenu sur le micro-ordinateur de l'usager pour une période limitée.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.15]
collection électronique
toutes les ressources de la bibliothèque qui sont sous forme électronique
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.16]
NOTE La collection électronique comprend les bases de données, les périodiques électroniques, les documents
numériques et les fichiers informatiques. Les ressources libres de l'internet qui ont été cataloguées par la bibliothèque et
figurent dans le catalogue en ligne ou dans une base de données, sont exclues.
périodique électronique
périodique sous forme électronique disponible ou non également dans un autre format
NOTE Comprend d'une part les périodiques conservés localement et d'autre part les ressources accessibles à
distance pour lesquelles des droits permanents ou temporaires ont été acquis.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.17]
tous les documents mis à disposition des usagers par une bibliothèque
NOTE 1 Comprend les documents détenus localement et les ressources accessibles à distance pour lesquelles des
droits permanents ou temporaires ont été acquis.
NOTE 2 Les droits d'accès peuvent être acquis par la bibliothèque elle-même, par un consortium et/ou par un
financement extérieur.
NOTE 3 Les acquisitions doivent être considérées comme le résultat d'une sélection de documents, de droits d'accès
négociés, et figurer dans le catalogue en ligne ou dans d'autres bases de données de la bibliothèque. Le prêt entre
bibliothèques et la fourniture de documents à distance sont exclus.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.22]
NOTE 4 Ne comprend pas les liens aux ressources de l'internet pour lesquels la bibliothèque n'a pas négocié de droits
d'accès par des autorisations légales (par exemple droit lié au dépôt légal), des licences ou des accords soit contractuels
soit de coopération. Les liens avec des ressources libres de l'internet, qui ont été cataloguées par la bibliothèque et qui
sont présentées sur le catalogue en ligne ou dans une base de données, sont exclus.
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publication sous forme imprimée ou non imprimée ou complète et finie en un seul volume ou destinée à l'être
en plusieurs volumes
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.25]
collection de monographies
ensemble de monographies dont chacune est reliée aux autres par un titre commun
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.26]
publication en série qui contient des informations générales ou spécialisées sur les événements en cours dont
les différentes parties sont classées chronologiquement ou numériquement et qui paraît généralement au
moins une fois par semaine
NOTE Comprend les périodiques électroniques.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.28]
livre broché
livre publié par un éditeur avec une couverture en papier coupée et massicotée en même temps que les
[BSI DD 247:1998]
publication en série éditée sous le même titre à intervalle régulier ou irrégulier, sur une période indéterminée
NOTE 1 Les livraisons successives sont numérotées de manière continue ou datées.
NOTE 2 Les collections de rapports, les comptes rendus des institutions, les collections d'actes de colloques à parution
régulière et les annuels sont compris; les journaux et les collections de monographies sont exclus.
NOTE 3 Comprend les périodiques électroniques.
NOTE 4 Adapté de l'ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.33.
unité matérielle
document formant matériellement un tout cohérent, y compris les éléments de protection, et qui peut être
déplacé séparément
NOTE 1 La cohérence peut être obtenue, par exemple, grâce à la reliure ou l'emboîtage.
NOTE 2 Pour les documents imprimés, le terme «volume» est utilisé dans le cas d'une unité matérielle.
NOTE 3 Adapté de l'ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.34.
cf. volume (2.25).
indice de prix
indice mesurant l'évolution du prix moyen pendant un intervalle de temps
NOTE 1 Adapté de l’ANSI/NISO Z39.20:1999.
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NOTE 2 Un indice de prix a une période de base d'une ou plusieurs années et le prix moyen de la période de base est
affecté d'une valeur indiciaire égale à 100; les prix moyens des années suivantes sont divisés par le prix moyen de la
période de base et multipliés par 100 afin d'obtenir l'indice de prix pour chaque année.
publication en série
document imprimé ou non, publié en parties successives, généralement classé par ordre numérique ou
chronologique et conçu comme devant être publié indéfiniment, quelle qu'en soit la périodicité
[ISO 5127:2001, définition 2.4.06]
NOTE 1 Pour les besoins de la présente Norme internationale, les publications en série sont subdivisées en journaux
et périodiques, et à nouveau par support, électronique et non électronique.
NOTE 2 Les collections de monographies sont exclues et comptent pour des livres.
prix d'une publication en série
prix établi par l'éditeur pour un abonnement normal d'un an à une publication en série dans le pays d'édition
NOTE Quand des modes de distribution différents existent, le prix d'abonnement avec distribution par voie de
surface dans le pays est retenu. Les prix avec remises, les abonnements pluriannuels, etc., ne doivent pas être pris en
mot ou groupe de mots figurant en général sur un document, pouvant être utilisé pour l'identifier et le
distinguer d'un autre document
[ISO 5127:2001, définition]
NOTE 1 Dans un but de comptage, un «titre» désigne un document formant un tout distinct sous un titre particulier,
qu'il soit édité en une ou plusieurs unités matérielles, et quel que soit le nombre d'exemplaires détenus par la bibliothèque.
Voir l'ISO 11620:1998, 3.23.
s'agissant d'un document imprimé, unité matérielle réunissant un certain nombre de feuilles sous une
couverture pour former un tout ou une partie d'un ensemble
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.39]
3 Présentation
3.1 Généralités
Pour éviter les confusions, il convient d'utiliser la présentation générale suivante. Dans cette présentation, les
collections de monographies (2.15) sont comprises dans la définition des monographies et les actes de
colloques, à parution régulière, les annuaires et annuels sont compris dans la définition des périodiques (2.19).
Cette démarche est conforme aux définitions données dans l'ISO 2789.
Si l'on recourt à d'autres présentations, il convient de préciser le choix qui a été retenu.
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3.2 Présentation recommandée
La présentation recommandée est la suivante:
a) indice des monographies/livres (collections de monographies comprises):
1) sous forme imprimée;
2) sous forme électronique (livres électroniques);
b) indice des publications en série:
1) journaux:
i) sous forme imprimée;
ii) sous forme électronique;
2) périodiques (y compris les collections d'actes de colloques à parution régulière et les annuels):
i) sous forme imprimée;
ii) sous forme électronique;
c) indice des bases de données.
3.3 Couverture géographique
Les indices de prix concernent des documents (livres, publications en série ou bases de données) publiés
dans un seul pays d'origine et il convient de les calculer d'abord dans la devise de ce pays. Les bibliothèques
achetant des documents originaires de plusieurs pays peuvent agréger les indices propres à ces pays dans
un indice unique d'usage local en utilisant des pondérations appropriées et le taux de change des devises.
Les titres publiés dans plusieurs pays doivent être compris dans les indices de chaque pays où ils sont
publiés. Les titres vendus dans le monde par un seul éditeur doivent être compris uniquement dans l'indice du
pays de publication.
4 Structure des prix
4.1 Généralités
L'indice des prix traite des prix demandés par les éditeurs, non du paiement effectué par les clients. Le
paiement effectué par les clients peut être identique au prix demandé par l'éditeur mais il peut différer en
raison d'accords particuliers (par exemple remise pour achats en nombre), d'offres spéciales (par exemple
pour les membres d'une association, des étudiants) ou de prix différents pour différents modes de commande

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